Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2008

The ELT wiki – a glossary of language teaching terminology

Die Pearson-Longman-Verlagsgruppe hat ein Wiki lanciert. Die damit verbundene Absicht wird auf der Startseite vorgestellt: Zitat:
"Welcome to the ELT wiki, designed (with everyone’s help) to be a resource for teachers, trainers and trainees who want to understand ELT terminology.
Our mission is to provide a community glossary where people can edit entries so that visitors to the wiki will have a clear understanding of what language teaching terms actually mean – terms like ‘affect’ and ‘webquest’, ‘pairwork’ and ‘direct test item’. Our wiki will work well when people add definitions, references and comment (see the 'discussion' section)
What is up here so far is just a start. The rest (using the edit button) is up to you."

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