Tipp von Etienne Kneipp - Mission TICE (Metz/Nancy), der gleichzeitig anfragt, ob es weitere kostenlose brauchbare Text-to-speech-Tools gibt. Bitte melden an wagjuer*at*gmail.com!
Unterstützt English UK, English US, English IN, French, CA French, German, Lat. American Spanish
1 Kommentar:
There is a great variety of TTS applications on the Web, to be used for free or by paying a fee. online tools:
Site Pal, http://www.sitepal.com
Bluegrind, http://www.bluegrind.com
Cepstral, http://www.cepstral.com
and others which you need to download to your machine:
ReadPlease, http://www.readplease.com/#listen
TextAloud MP3, http://www.nextuptech.com/TextAloud/download.html
Cantare, http://www.ccdmd.qc.ca/en/cantare/
Hope it helps
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