Next: Speak Up, Be HeardCompanion to a 2007 documentary that "travels across the U.S. and speaks with young adults
16-25-year-olds to gauge their beliefs on today's most pressing issues -- such as terrorism,
immigration, environment and health care." In addition to transcripts from the documentary, the site contains audio and video clips, background reports, forums, and a timeline highlighting
major events, media, music, sports, and technology related to the demographic. From PBS Online NewsHour. Portrait of "Generation Next":
How Young People View Their Lives, Futures and Politics - Summary of findings from a January 2007 report "aimed at studying the lives of young people" ages 18-25 (born between 1981 and 1988). It looks at lifestyle and views in areas such as technology, family, religion, social issues, and politics. Includes a link to the full report and to questionnaire results.
From the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. you want to study the statistics, all the figures are in this .pdf
For an
aural comprehension activity ( level B2),
see this interview and its full transcript dealing with video games and choices in real life in the current context of terrorism and war in Irak. Video games and real-life choices LISTE INFONEWS, réalisé par Christine Reymond, lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France