Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2012

Video-Podcast Serie zum Englisch Lernen

Andreas Hofer - der einen sehr informativen Beitrag zu unseren "Praxisbuch: Web 2.0 im Fremdsprachenunterricht" beisteuert, arbeitet an einem höchst empfehlenswerten Projekt:
Welcome to Rianna's English video lessons.
"The video lessons are designed for use by both learners of English as a foreign language as well as EFL teachers. The videos are about cultural topics that most school curricula include (holidays, life in the US, geography and tourism).
They come with a variety of features and each lesson includes
- a 5 minute video
- subtitles
- a quiz
- a transcript to the video (for reference, to make gap texts, etc.)
- a hot potatoes file of the quiz for use in an LMS like moodle
All content has been made mobile friendly and can be viewed on mobile devices such as smartphones, the iPad and other tablets.

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