Dienstag, 11. August 2009

Germany vs USA - Driver's license

Hinweis von Lutz Szemkus in der enpaed Mailingliste:
Es gibt ähnliche Videoclips von Walkabout Language (Alöexander and Jim), die alle unter CreativeCommons stehen:
- How are you? - Cultural Inside
- Hangover - Dating
- Beer - Recycling
- Idioms - Breakfast
- Military and Patriotism - Corporal Punishment
- Rednecks - Abendbrot vs. Dinner
- Wiener Schnitzel - Germanisms
- Seating and Cinema - Umlaute
- Business Hours

Weitere Clips unter
"Alex (from Germany) and Jim (from the USA) are talking about cultural differences and similarities between Germany and the USA. We are Brian, Jim and Alex (from San Francisco, Mississippi and Germany, respectively). We believe that learning a language needs a basic understanding of the respective culture.

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